electric bicycle - Las Filipinas



electric bicycle - Las Filipinas

from 79,00€


  • Level: 1 (easy)
  • Distance: 50km
  • Uphill: 620m
  • Downhill: 620m

Starting form Playa del Inglés we’ll go to Arguinegun along e coastline. Here the gradients are gentle and the landscape is wonderful with many views of the ocean. Near Arguneguin, at he roundabout, we’ll turn right and head into the Valley of Soria. This stretch of road is one of the flattest you will find in Gran Canaria. Enjoy all the different colors of he “barranco” and the different “fincas” your’ll find along the route. Just before the steep section starts, we’ll turn around ready to stop for a coffee.

Book your transport now and enjoy the adventure!

Excursion booking

Bicicleta eléctrica – Las Filipinas

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